Attention Business Owners - we ONLY have 25 seats available for this exclusive event

Are you looking to create Generational Wealth through a successful EXIT or do you want to learn how to scale your business 20X within the next 18 months or less?

5 investors, with $6 Billion in exits to their name, are looking to invest $100+ Million in local businesses.  

Kevin Harrington

An original “shark” on the hit TV show Shark Tank, the creator of the infomercial, pioneer of the As Seen on TV brand, and co-founding board member of the Entrepreneur’s Organization—Kevin Harrington has pushed past all the questions and excuses to repeatedly enjoy 100X success.

G. Leavitt

As a growth tech-scientist, Gaydon “G” Leavitt, has consulted over 2,000 small businesses with their strategy and execution in over 200 industries / markets.

Eddie Wilson

After 80 exits in the past 3 years, Eddie is still active as CEO of the largest private network of lenders in the world, but is also an accomplished real estate investor with a profitable portfolio spanning multiple markets and property types.

A personal invitation from Kevin, G and Eddie:

Let's roll up our sleeves and design an actionable plan to increase the value of your business 20x within the next 18 months or less.

Take a break and enjoy nature WHILE learning how to


Near Zion National Park, Utah
May 17th - 19th 2021 

The Agenda

Monday May 17th
6:00 pm
8:00 pm 

9:00 pm 

Tuesday May 18th
7:00 am

8:00 am - 8:30 am

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

6:00 pm

Wednesday May 19th
7:00 am
8:00 am - 8:30 am
9:00 am

11:00 am

Pick up in Las Vegas and Drive to the Ranch.

Light Dinner and meet and greet with the Speakers and Instructors.

Networking and retreat to the Cabins.

Morning Workout (optional, kinda)


The roadmap | G. Leavitt


Preparation | Eddie Wilson

The Pitch | Kevin Harrington

Dinner and networking

Morning Workout (optional)


Drive back to Las Vegas

Las Vegas Airport drop off

Monday May 17th

6:00 pm | Pick up in Las Vegas and Drive to the Ranch.

8:00 pm | Light Dinner and meet and greet with the Speakers and Instructors.

9:00 pm | Networking and retreat to the Cabins.


Tuesday May 18th

7:00 am | Morning Workout (optional, kinda)

8:00 am | Breakfast

9:00 am | The roadmap 
G. Leavitt

12:00 pm | Lunch

1:00 pm | Preparation 
Eddie Wilson

3:00 pm | The Pitch 
Kevin Harrington

6:00 pm | Dinner and Networking


Wednesday May 19th

7:00 am | Morning Workout (optional)

8:00 am | Breakfast

9:00 am | Drive back to Las Vegas

11:00 am | Las Vegas Airport drop off

Exit Retreat Admission: 

Early Bird Special
ONLY $5,000
[valid until May 2nd]

  • ​Spend a Day with Kevin Harrington                         ($25,000) 
  • ​Spend a Day with G Leavitt                                        ($20,000)
  • ​A Day with Eddie Wilson                                             ($20,000)
  • ​Valuation Assessment                                                ($20,000)
  • ​R.E.V. Model                                                                    ($5,000)
  • ​Lifetime Access to Empire OS                                     ($1,200)

Total Value: $91,200+


...apply now before seats fill up, spots are limited!

Are you itching to get out of town and go work ON your business instead of IN your business for a few Days?

👉 join us @ the EXIT RETREAT

This Event Was Created to HELP YOU...

  Take a Break From the Grind

  Valuate Your Business to Prepare to Exit

  Valuate Your Business to Prepare for Exit

  Learn How to Pitch Your Company to Investors

  Learn How to Pitch Your                       Company to Investors

Surrounded by business owners with multiple exits on their resumes, you might even end up striking a deal while you are there!

Being a business owner isn't easy. It is every business owner's dream to watch their dream manifest before their very eyes. Build it, scale it, and eventually sell it for a life-changing exit. Something that creates generational wealth and impacts the world. The road to get there however, it’s not easy. Come join us for an unprecedented event that can only be experienced in person. 

Give yourself permission to go all in on you and your business. Be in the room with business owners who have successfully sold their business and find out exactly how they did it. Get the step-by-step blueprint and the inter-personal value creation coupled with the mindset that’s needed to build enterprise value. This event is like nothing the marketplace has ever seen and you will not find this content anywhere. 

Come join us and go all in on you. Give yourself permission with the power of association, connection, and certainty... married up with fearless accountability. Be able to collapse time and scale and sell your business.


Learn from fellow business owners across multiple industries who have applied these proven processes and have successfully exited their previous companies in record time. The only requirement to attend is you must be willing to GO ALL IN on yourself and expand your vision on what's possible for life.

This is a business container to help those who truly want to grow more than they ever could have imagined.  We are a COMMUNITY that encourages all of your dreams to create the life you want for yourself and your family.



 Not for Business Owners who are happy where they are.

 Not for Business Owners who are happy in their plateau.

 Not for Business Owners who aren't willing to do the work.

 Not for Business Owners who enjoy feeling stuck. 

 Leave your Stories and LIES you tell yourself on a daily basis at the door.

 There's no room for procrastination and a catastrophic lack of focus

 If you're happy and KNOW you HAVE NOT reached your potential 

There’s a reason... NOT EVERYONE IS ACCEPTED. Toxic people and toxic attitudes are not welcome to apply for a deal with Toolbox. This partnership is about growth, both in your personal and business lives.

This is why the vetting process to get a seat at the table is taken so seriously. ONLY ELITE BUSINESS OWNERS DEDICATED TO THE PROCESS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

 Most business owners are in their own way and aren't brave enough to say, "I need help, I can't do this alone, and don't want to do this alone any longer."

 Those who recognize that we are investing in them before we are investing in their business. 

 Those who are dedicated to building something special within the next 3 years that can exit or achieve massive profit. 

 Tech-deficient companies that would experience at least 10X growth in the next 36 months and dominate their industry with the right technology and technology partner. 

Meet The Founder

G. Leavitt

As a growth tech-scientist, Gaydon “G” Leavitt, has consulted over 2,000 small businesses with their strategy and execution in over 200 industries / markets.

G went on a journey where he started to optimize resources and ultimately had an automation epiphany where he realized that there were manual processes in his business that he could automate. G went on to create many businesses that are entirely sustainable. He now focuses his time on creating new businesses and looking for new opportunities to create innovation. As the creator of intellectual properties too numerous to name, G combines the most cutting-edge technology and timeless business strategies that have worked for hundreds of years to create profit for everyone in his path. Most known for his 500% increase in EBITDA, and multiple 300% month-over-month growth stories, G is dedicated to helping others build enterprise value via systems and software.


Kevin Harrington

An original “shark” on the hit TV show Shark Tank, the creator of the infomercial, pioneer of the As Seen on TV brand, and co-founding board member of the Entrepreneur’s Organization—Kevin Harrington has pushed past all the questions and excuses to repeatedly enjoy 100X success.

His legendary work behind-the-scenes of business ventures has produced well over $5 billion in global sales, the launch of more than 500 products, and the making dozens of millionaires.

Eddie Wilson

Eddie Wilson sold his first business to FOX nearly 20 years ago. 

In the last 3 calendar years, Eddie has had nearly 80 exits and to this day he still runs dozens of businesses concurrently. 

He is for example still active as CEO of the largest private network of lenders in the world, but is also an accomplished real estate investor with a profitable portfolio spanning multiple markets and property types.

Gus Van Dender

In the past 15 years, Gus has significantly transformed 12 businesses, some as a partner, some as a consultant, some with successful exits, some merged. 

Since his focus is on creating exciting and delightful client experiences, not the actual product, he has created new products and services in a variety of different industries and verticals.

If I were to offer to write you a check to buy your business today, would you know what you'd ask for it?

If I were to offer to write you a check to buy your business today, would you be able to tell me how much it's worth?

Every business owner will exit their business at some point in time. The question is, "Will you exit that business on your terms?  Will you exit that business in such a way that creates generational wealth for you and your family?"

Now, Not Every Entrepeneur Is Going To


But the truth is... with the right team, with the right mindset, and with the right systems, operations, and technology... Business Owners CAN EXIT THE WAY THEY WANT.

We help you learn how to BUILD a business that is worth selling, that is attractive to a potential buyer in the market place.  We will guide you through the process of SCALING your business by opening up access to teams that specialize in taking your dreams across the finish line.

Finally, those two aspects combined... BUILDING and SCALING, come to fruition with a meaningful, powerful EXIT from that business.  


Preparing for a successful EXIT consists of 3 distinct phases, so we'll cover all of them during the Exit Retreat:

 PHASE 1: The Roadmap 

 PHASE 1: 
The Roadmap 

Figuring out how to arrive where you want to go starts with getting really clear on where you are today. 

We are going to start with bringing that clarity into your perspective and deliver an impactful paradigm shift inside of your current belief systems around the true value of your business. 

 Phase 2: Preparation

Once you have the map laid out in front of you, you now need the tools, the teams and the processes to execute the plan towards a successful EXIT. 

This is not just about increasing your revenue. This is beyond selling more widgets. This phase is all about creating a vehicle towards generational wealth.   

 Phase 3: The Pitch

Getting in front of investors or buyers for your company can be daunting and lead to a downright embarrassing situation. I’m sure you’ve seen some interesting examples of that on the TV show, Shark Tank. 

Guess what, Kevin and team are going to teach you what it takes to impress the “judges”. Hands on and practical.

Hear what some of our attendees have to share about their experiences...

"Until I met G and the team I didn't even understand the importance of building our company with the EXIT in mind. The Value Assessment alone has already saved us thousands of dollars!"

"The R.E.V. model changed the entire landscape of my business and gave me a practical system that I could go apply right away and achieve immediate results."

"G. Leavitt? I call him Mr. Multiple, because he knows what he's doing when it comes to scaling and selling your business."

"After hearing G speak about the R.E.V. model I changed my business around and ran my first 6 figure month!"

"I learned how to turn my business into a REAL enterprise, instead of looking at it as a cash cow hobby."



Total Value: $91,200+

  • ​Spend a Day with Kevin Harrington                         ($25,000) 
  • ​Spend a Day with G Leavitt                                        ($20,000)
  • ​A Day with Eddie Wilson                                             ($20,000)
  • ​Valuation Assessment                                                ($20,000)
  • ​R.E.V. Model                                                                    ($5,000)
  • ​Lifetime Access to Empire OS                                     ($1,200)
  • ​Spend a Day with Kevin Harrington                                                              ($25,000)
  • ​Spend a Day with G. Leavitt                                                                            ($20,000)
  • ​Spend a Day with Eddie Wilson                                                                      ($20,000)
  • ​The Valuation Assessment                                                                            ($20,000)
  • ​The R.E.V. Model Principles                                                                            ($5,000)
  • ​Lifetime Access to Empire OS                                                                        ($1,200)

Your Exit Retreat Ticket: 

Exit Retreat Ticket: 

Early Bird Special
ONLY $5,000
[valid until May 2nd]

Total Value: $91,200+

  • ​Spend a Day with Kevin Harrington                          ($25,000) 
  • ​Spend a Day with G Leavitt                                        ($20,000)
  • ​A Day with Eddie Wilson                                             ($20,000)
  • ​Valuation Assessment                                                ($20,000)
  • ​R.E.V. Model                                                                    ($5,000)
  • ​Lifetime Access to Empire OS                                      ($1,200)
  • ​Spend a Day with Kevin Harrington                                                              ($25,000)
  • ​Spend a Day with G. Leavitt                                                                            ($20,000)
  • ​Spend a Day with Eddie Wilson                                                                      ($20,000)
  • ​The Valuation Assessment                                                                            ($20,000)
  • ​The R.E.V. Model Principles                                                                            ($5,000)
  • ​Lifetime Access to Empire OS                                                                        ($1,200)

Your Exit Retreat Ticket: 

Exit Retreat Ticket: 

Early Bird Special
ONLY $5,000
[valid until May 2nd]


Your Questions Answered...

 WHEN and where SHOULD I fly into?

 We suggest you fly into Las Vegas. We will provide a shuttle bus that will take you and the other participants to the Exit Ranch. Pick up will be at 6pm. Before worrying about the logistics, make sure to apply for a seat.


 We will provide a shuttle to take you from Las Vegas Airport to the Ranch. But if you want the exact address, here it is: 1000 E Holmstead Ranch Rd, Central, UT 84722


 Once you land in Las Vegas on May 17th we got you covered. Transportation, Accommodation and Food while you are at the Exit Ranch is on us. 


 We have made reservations for you for one of the cabins on the property. These are all first class, self containing cabins so you can retreat and relax during breaks.


 You are going to be in a room with seasoned investors for two days. While there are no guarantees, and the retreat is not necessarily set up as a deal making event, it is not unlikely you may strike valuable conversation or potential deals with one of our Board Members or Speakers.

 What is TOOLBOX OS?

 Toolbox OS's mission is to upgrade the value of our clients businesses via tech. We help our partners by adding SaaS to increase revenue, increase EBITDA, and increase valuation. Toolbox OS can help your business gain a competitive advantage over your competitors while scaling more rapidly, automating your business tasks, and creating more freedom. All while using AI and BI, your business will skyrocket.

Frequently Asked Questions

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